Hosea Part 2
The Lovers and the Lover
Last week, we were introduced to Hosea’s family and the beginning of first cycle of sin, judgement, and restoration. This week, we will complete the first cycle that began at the introduction to the study, and go through the second cycle of sin, judgement, and restoration as the story continues. Gomer leaves her husband and goes after other lovers, whom she is convinced provide for her. Gomer, the runaway wife and mother, continues to be a picture of Israel running away from God. God’s judgement will follow their sin, but His love is relentless. Just as Hosea is sent to love his wayward wife and buy her back, God will do the the same for His people.
Hosea Part 7
The Way Home We are almost at the end of our journey. This week concludes the fifth and final cycle of sin, judgment, and restoration. Last week was a reminder of Israel’s past and God’s enduring love to his unfaithful people. This week, we will see what happens when...
Hosea Part 6
Look Back & Learn This begins our fifth and last cycle of sin, judgement, and restoration. This week, Hosea will remind the Israelites of their past. They will be reminded of Jacob, one of the patriarchs and the namesake of their nation. They will be reminded of...
Hosea Part 5
Wandering and Returning The judgment continues this week. The idol worship that has consumed the land and the joining to foreign nations will be their downfall. Exile is in their future. Again, Hosea uses imagery to describe the people and their sin. We will explore...
Hosea Part 4
Fickle and Faithless Last week, we saw that in spite of Israel’s sin and stubbornness, God desires for them to know Him and return to Him. This week, we will begin the fourth cycle of sin, judgment, and restoration. Both Israel and Judah continue to break their...
Hosea – Part 3
Acknowledge and Return Last week, we watched Gomer leave her husband, just as Israel has done to God. This week will be the third cycle of sin, judgment, and restoration. We will be like witnesses in a courtroom, as God has specific accusations to make against His...
Hosea – Part 1
The Marriage The book of Hosea opens with a narrative, the very personal story of Hosea and his family. God gives Hosea an unsettling command. God asks Hosea to marry Gomer, a woman who will be unfaithful to him. This marriage will be a symbol of Israel’s...