Telling Yourself the Truth
Sometimes you can tell yourself lies without even realizing it. But your life can take on a completely different perspective when you learn to tell yourself the truth. Let’s begin this New Year with a reminder of five simple affirmations that can change the way we think and set us moving in the right direction.
Discussion Questions
Can you recall lies that you tell yourself from time to time? How do these lies affect the way you think and live?
What daily habits prevent you from experiencing a successful and joy-filled life? How can you change the way you approach every day so that you will be more fulfilled and productive (eg. phone addiction, exercise, changing your thinking through God’s word)?
In the sermon, Joe explained 5 simple affirmations that can change the way you approach each new day. Those affirmations are Love, Know, Talk, Walk, Thanks. What is meant by each of these words?
Love: I am completely and perfectly loved by God. Why is God’s love central to your identity as a human being? Read Romans 8:38-39 and 1 John 4:8. How does God’s love for you change the way you approach a new day?
Know: I can know Jesus in deeper ways. What does it mean for you to know God? Read John 17:3 and Philippians 3:8-10. How are you getting to know Jesus in deeper ways?
Talk: I will talk to God throughout my day. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:17. What does your prayer life look like? What does it mean for you to pray without ceasing?
Walk: I can be led by the Holy Spirit. Read Galatians 5:16. How do you walk in the Spirit?
Thanks: I will be grateful in every circumstance. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:18. How does gratitude release disproportionate power? What’s on your list of things you’re thankful for?
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