Get Your Life Back

The world moves fast. Have you ever felt squeezed from every side by life’s incessant demands? There’s a lunacy to the pace we insist on embracing. Remarkably, we can be oblivious to the consequences of a world gone upside down and unaware of the gradual erosion of our inner life. It’s like we’re under a spell—convinced that this dysfunction is normal for living in today’s world. But wait! That’s just not true. And neither are we victims. God wants to give you peaceful and joy-filled relief from demands He has never imposed on you. So, maybe it’s time for a change. Beginning now. Maybe it’s time to get your life back.

Resources to Get Your Life Back

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The Simple Daily Things

Too often we look for God in the extraordinary when all the while, He makes His home in the ordinary. Maybe we can get our lives back by inviting Jesus into our everyday routine of life. Pay close attention to your heart. Then include God as a normal part of your life.

The Hidden Life of God in You

Does it ever feel like you’re just going through the motions in your faith? You go to church, pray, read the Bible, but it feels as if God is hiding away somewhere. The good news is God is closer than you think. He may even be right in front you, just waiting for you to notice.


Faith is far more than a feeling. Just because we don’t feel God doesn’t mean He’s not there. But choosing to believe in the power and presence of God is a choice. We must make that choice every single day. And each time we do, it becomes easier the next time.

The Gifts of Memory

For us, time travels in only one direction – once a moment is past, it’s gone forever. We easily forget, which is why God so often commanded the Israelites to “remember.” God has given us the gift of memory and our memories can bring us closer to Him.

Caring for the Neglected Places in Your Soul

In our culture, we present our occupation title as a means of describing who we are, associating our vocation with our worth. We often neglect places in our soul by living from these self-sustained versions of ourselves instead of our true selves in Christ. Our hope is to choose a new path towards reunion with our true identity and God.

Surrendering the Self Life

Over time, almost imperceptibly, we can get stuck in the trance of constructing our role in the world, building our identity, and completely miss what God is doing around us. We can spend a lot of time and energy protecting this Self we’ve created at all costs. As counterintuitive as it may seem, it’s when we surrender this Self that we get what we were trying to build all along: our life.

Remembering Who You Love

The twists and turns of life can sometimes threaten our confidence that God is good. In these instances, we must actively and intentionally engage our hearts in loving the One who first loved us. In loving and surrendering to God, we are able to realize again how wonderful and loving God truly is.

Allowing for Transitions

Doesn’t it seem like the space between “what was” and “what’s next” makes us uncomfortable? The in-between quiet spaces of life create disquiet in us. However, our transition moments (the big and small ones) can become a place where we discover the presence of God in our lives.

Get Outside

Here’s a disturbing reality: we spend most of our lives indoors. But something special happens when we encounter God outside. Nature has the power to calm and quiet us. There is something restorative about an encounter with God under a canopy of stars or by the crashing waves of an ocean.

Kindness Toward Ourselves

There is often enormous pressure to keep up with the non-stop noise and activity of our modern world. Jesus offers us an alternative to this frantic pace but following Him and resisting the pressure around us will require a simple act: kindness toward ourselves.

Simple Unplugging

Our immediate access to people and information through the use of technology has become a prevailing cultural norm. Simple, intentional unplugging creates this space for us to experience the life-giving power of God while strengthening our ability to resist conforming to a pattern of constant attention-grabbing distractions.

Drinking Beauty

God’s brushstrokes of beauty are everywhere. But seeing them means that we look up from our cell phones long enough to notice God’s intentional design. Maybe it’s time to get your life back by drinking deeply of the beauty that should never be ignored.

Pausing to Detach

So much about the pace of life conspires against us. What would happen if we built pauses into our day—benevolent detachment from the siren call of the fast and furious? Maybe God is not waiting for us to catch up; instead, maybe He’s waiting for us to slow down.