Give to Get to Give
Imagine our whole church unleashed into our community to make a difference. It’s called Be Rich. We’re taking Paul’s simple advice to Timothy and putting it into practice: “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.” (1 Timothy 6:18) Through Be Rich our church will be mobilized toward radical generosity, acts of service and simple gestures of kindness.
Mention money, especially in church, and people can get weird. That’s unfortunate. We need money to live, so the idea of earning and spending is as natural to us as breathing. But the way we use money really does say a lot about us. When we experience the freedom of giving our money we also embrace a basic spiritual principle: in giving, we get something in return.
Discussion Questions
Why does our culture seem to be so obsessed with money? Why are some people generous in sharing their money and possessions while others are less so? Would you describe yourself as a generous person? Why or why not?
The foundational scripture reference for our Be Rich emphasis is found in 1 Timothy 6:18. Take a moment to evaluate each component of Paul’s advice to Timothy. What could happen in and through our church if we really embraced the content of this verse?
What is tithing? In what sense is tithing an Old Testament practice and not a command for believers today? (Read Malachi 3:8-10) What does it mean to be under grace and not law in the area of the giving or your finances? Describe the New Testament principle in 2 Corinthians 9:6-8.
Even well-intentioned people can be prevented from the joy of generous giving by embracing materialism, debt and ownership. Who is really the owner of it all (Psalm 24:1)? How do materialism and debt steal your ability to give generously?
How does the principle of sowing and reaping apply to the giving of your money? Look at 2 Corinthians 9:6 more carefully for insights (also compare Luke 6:38 and Proverbs 11:25).
Do you have a plan in place for the sharing of your resources? What is it? In what ways have you found that generosity brings you joy and contentment?
Rich in Gratitude
During our Be Rich series, our church has been mobilized toward radical generosity, acts of service and simple gestures of kindness. But it’s possible to be rich in another area that often gets neglected. In each of us lies a capacity of enormous power. It’s a power...
Love Stories
It’s easy to say that we love someone or a group of people and it’s good and right to communicate that love with our words. Putting that love into action, however, can be challenging at times. If we don’t demonstrate our love in our actions, our words about love...
Serve It Up
It’s easy to get swept downstream in the current of consumerism. In a me-oriented society, our lives can instinctively become all about us—our money, our time, our pleasure. But the one wishing to follow Jesus and walk as He walked will eventually be confronted with a...