God Sees A Mother

by May 6, 2022Easy and Light

God Sees A Mother

Am I a God at hand, declares the Lord, and not a God far away? Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord.

Jeremiah 23:23-24 (ESV)

O ne of my favorite days of the year is Mother’s Day. As a mom, I have fond memories of pudgy hands bringing me my annual biscuits and gravy breakfast to my bed before opening homemade cards and crafts, as my children looked on in glee. I have an entire box devoted to these relics of thanks and love to serve as milestones of motherhood. While few of life’s journeys are as rewarding as motherhood, those rewards are hard earned. In every up and down on that journey, God sees you. He sees you when pregnancy is first known, planned or unplanned, bringing joy or fear. He sees you when you yearn for a child to hold in your arms, and He’s given you a heart to mother those who need your love instead. He sees you at 12am, then 2am, then 4am as you console your baby, wondering if it will ever learn to sleep through the night. He sees you when your ministry is picking up toys, wiping spilled milk and Cheerios, doing endless loads of laundry, and struggling to feed a picky toddler something other than chicken nuggets. He sees you and delights with you over each smile shared, milestone reached, and peal of laughter that echoes through your home. He sees you when your children’s hurts can be fixed with kiss and Band-aid and He sees you again when they can’t. He sees you when you feel lost, and doctors, hospitals, medicines, therapies, and intense prayers for guidance and healing consume your life. He sees you with each carpool ride, homework help, and sacrifice that you make to help your baby become an independent God-loving adult. He sees you when you fear that the same baby who has held all your hopes and dreams is running from God right now. He sees you when love and worry is expanded in the form of grandchildren. He sees you when your life brings a season of mothering to your own elderly parents, roles are reversed, and the caring is exhausting. He sees you, just like He saw His own mother loving Him, teaching Him, worrying about Him, and crying when she couldn’t fix all of the pain and suffering He went through so that He could call you His forever. He sees you, He knows you, and He loves you.

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