
by Sep 24, 2018Study, This Is Us

Week 3


Week 3

In the forefront of the Jewish authorities’ push to quell the spread of the early church, we find Saul. He is a Pharisee of Pharisees, high among the Jewish elite, a Jew among Jews. And he hates the church. He was complicit in Stephen’s murder and now leads the persecution that began with Stephen’s martyrdom. He plans to snuff out the church, but God has other plans. On his way to root out more Christ-followers, he has a supernatural encounter with Christ himself. The implications of that encounter have far-reaching consequences not only for Saul, but for the church as a whole and, ultimately, the entire world.

Acts 9:1-9



We often think we know where we are heading and even how we’re going to get there. God often has other ideas. Sometimes He allows us to go through storms that threaten to batter and break us. At such times surrender to a God who would allow such storms seems like the...

Paul & Power

Week 7 Paul & Power Week 7 Most of us measure success by whether or not we achieved the desired outcome. Success means achievement. Success, therefore, is rooted in our ability to control processes and circumstances to achieve the outcomes we want. But as we learn...

Mars Hill

Week 6 Mars Hill Week 6 This week in our study of Acts we’re going to examine Paul’s stay in Athens. After a series of troubling visits to Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea, Paul found himself in Athens waiting for his companions to join him. Taking advantage of the...

Paul in Prison

Week 5Paul in PrisonWeek 5As we continue our journey through the book of Acts, we find Paul and Silas, his partner in ministry, in prison. They were arrested after casting a demon out of a girl who was being exploited by evil men who had found a way to make money from...

What Changes Us

Week 4What Changes UsWeek 4 Everyone likes to be safe. Truthfully, there is a lot about “safe” to like. But “safe” very rarely changes us. Staying in a place of comfort and safety doesn’t change us in meaningful ways. Today we are going to look at an episode in Acts...


Week 2StephenWeek 2 As the first church in Jerusalem grew, it faced both internal division and external opposition. Each of these problems was answered, in part, by Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit. Following the Spirit, Stephen responded in faith...


Study Guide Download Jesus’ resurrection changed everything. It changed how we can relate to God, moving us from the slavery of sin to the freedom of grace. From the moment of Jesus’ resurrection, his followers knew that everything would be different. God was about to...