The Wonder of Advent

The Wonder of Advent

The Wonder of Advents a child, I would eagerly await the arrival of December 1, the day we could start opening our Advent calendars. The thick, paper calendars – imported from Europe by my mom who’d spent most of her childhood there as a missionary...

For All

The good news that an angel shared with shepherds over 2000 years ago is the good news that we celebrate every year at Christmas. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that this good news is not just for us to keep to ourselves, but it’s for all the people. If we really...

Peace on Earth

Peace. It is something we all long for, something we especially anticipate with the coming of Christmas. Yet, peace is elusive, especially with the coming of Christmas. With so much to do, this time of year when we expect to experience peace can often be filled with...

Fear Not

Fear paralyzes. It catches us off guard. Fear seeks to write a story that robs us of hope and joy. This is why God so often reminds us, “Don’t be afraid.” That first Christmas, shepherds were awestruck at the angelic announcement of a Savior. But they were also...

Ready for a Savior

Ready for a Savior

Advent is simply about waiting and in the last couple weeks we’ve heard about how to wait and the significance of what we’re waiting for. In this last week of Advent, we seek to understand our role in preparing ourselves. It’s easy for us to create plans for every...

The Promise of a Savior

The Promise of a Savior

Most of the events recorded in the Bible took place before Christmas. Long before the first Christmas was the promise that Christmas would come. This promise brought great hope, but it also brought frustration and restlessness. This is still true of Christmas. We...

You Need a Savior

You Need a Savior

Every human being is born in critical condition. We’re in trouble. Our inability to personally save ourselves and get right with God leaves us completely vulnerable. Christmas begins with your need and ends with God’s love. You need a Savior—a Savior who has come to...