The Dangers of Spiritual Sleepwalking
The Dangers of Spiritual Sleepwalking
But Paul went down, fell on him, and embracing him said, “Do not trouble yourselves, for his life is in him.”
Acts 20:10 (ESV)
Lord, I confess not giving you priority. Forgive me. Wake me from this slumber, draw me near to you, and renew me. Amen.
Eutychus was tired. Scripture doesn’t detail why he was “sinking into a deep sleep” (vs. 9), but the fact that it was midnight (vs. 7) and that lamps were burning (vs. 8) while he was listening to Paul talk for hours (vs. 7) sets the scene for being lulled to sleep even if he was intent on hearing the message. His body’s need for sleep consumed him (vs. 9).
Eutychus’ dozing led to his death. The power of God led to his resurrection.
Just as the Holy Spirit, through Paul, restored Eutychus’ life, the Holy Spirit has the power to revive a spiritual life that has been lulled into dormancy by the cares of this world. The transformation from spiritual sleep-walking to living the abundant life begins with asking forgiveness and seeking renewal. The resulting life will not only bring comfort to the one whose spiritual life is revived, but also to those who witness the change (Acts 7:12).
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