Summer is upon us and that means a welcome break from the normal rhythms of life – time to slow down, rest, vacation. At least, that’s what it’s supposed to mean. The truth is that our culture doesn’t do rest very well; the rhythm always seems to be high tempo. We are a people desperately in need of rest, but seemingly unable to find it amidst the constant demands of our lives. How can we use this summer season of rest to actually find it?
How well rested are you right now? In general?
What is the one thing from which you most need a break? What would that look like for you?
Read Genesis 1:26–2:3. What did God create in the 6th Day? The 7th? What does it tell us about God that the first full day that God had for Adam and Eve was the 7th Day – the day of rest? What can we learn from this for our lives?
Does our ability, or inability, to rest tell us something about our trust in God? If so, what?
Read the following verses: Mark 1:21-28; Luke 13:10-17; John 9:1-34; Mark 2:23-28; Matthew 12:9-14; Luke 4:38-39. As you read about Jesus as he heals the sick and feeds the hungry on the Sabbath, what does that tell you about Sabbath?
What are some ways that you would/could REMEMBER the Sabbath? What are some ways that you would/could KEEP the Sabbath?
Searching for the Generous Life
Just like modest investments can grow over time, our investment into God's kingdom generates growth and produces eternal dividends. The apostle Paul presented the Macedonian believers as an example of generous giving to the Corinthian church and to us. Let's explore...
Searching for Reconciliation
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Searching for Courage
On the surface, hearing God and following His commands seems straightforward. However, when God calls us to do something that generates fear in us and feels daunting, second-guessing His call becomes reasonable. Finding the courage to obey such a call is overwhelming....